PM Spirits

Provider of Geeky Spirits

How to Make a Rob Roy

Nicolas Palazzi

The Rob Roy is the scotch drinker's Manhattan. Scotch drinkers tend to be no-nonsense people; that's what enjoying the taste of peat does to you. And so while the Manhattan screams bright lights and big city, the Rob Roy has the aura of a more practical drink that's often enjoyed at home. Like the Manhattan, it requires just whiskey, Italian vermouth, and bitters. Unlike the Manhattan, which is made with rye, the Rob Roy demands scotch. Blended scotch is traditional, although feel free to experiment with a prized single malt; the bottle you use can drastically change the character of your Rob Roy, keeping things interesting without a ton of fuss. Drink your Rob Roy in your library, surrounded by old globes and leather-bound books, or next to a roaring fireplace as an October wind blows across the Highland hills outside. If you can swing it.