Dad’s the guy who puts everyone else first, a silent saint, bending over backwards and for what-the big piece of chicken? This year, in addition to thanking him for all that free heat and hot water you pilfered over the years, find him a perfect liquid gift; something he might never buy for himself but totally deserves. From a bold bottle of booze to a gadget to vault his cocktail game, we did all the legwork. So put that shirt and tie combo back on the shelf and make some liquid magic this Father’s Day.
Nouaison Gin
Father’s Day also marks the unofficial start of gin and tonic season and now is the chance to up dad’s game. This grape-based gin from Jean-Sébastien Robicquet is blended with a combination of 14 botanicals, including bergamot, java pepper, sandalwood, vetiver, and plum.